Staff List
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Music Director
Rachel Erdos BA (Oxford), PG dip (Trinity), MA (Oxford), BKA, MSTAT [Profile]
Deputy Director
Maryan Balkwill ARCM, GRSM [Profile]
Colourstrings Orchestra Conductor
Blai Soler BA (RCM, hons), PG dip (RCM), MA Comp (KCL)
Holger Aston MA (Oxon), MA (Liszt Academy), ARCM, LRAM [Profile]
Angela Fogg MA Dip ABRSM LRSM CKME PGDip [Profile]
Leslie Anne Lewis MA, MMus, PhD
Myrto Loulaki
Alan Murdock MA BMus MusEdCert [Profile]
Fiona Chesterman [Profile]
Angela Dally
Rachel Erdos BA (Oxford), PG dip (Trinity), MA (Oxford), BKA, MSTAT [Profile]
Sanae Honda BMus PGC [Profile]
Diana Mathews LRAM [Profile]
Isabelita Mederos [Profile]
Jane Metcalfe ARCM [Profile]

Fiona Chesterman [Profile]
Angela Dally
Diana Mathews LRAM [Profile]
Jane Metcalfe ARCM [Profile]
Maryan Balkwill ARCM, GRSM [Profile]
Miguel Calvo Mmus (Guildhall), Pg Dip (Trinity)
Mark Dobson AGSM MSTAT
Caterina May [Profile]
Rowena Taylor BMus LRAM [Profile]
Leslie Anne Lewis MA, MMus, PhD
Petra Malik Bmus Hons
Cordelia Mathews GTCL, LRAM
John Rolfe Leverhulme Sharp BA[Hons] ARCM [Profile]
Alexandra (Szandra) Vilmányi [Profile]
Double Bass
Liz Bradley
Sofia Castillo [Profile]
Pedro Lopez BMus, MMus, ArtDip [Profile]
Oliver Manning [Profile]
George Tarlton [Profile]
KG Teacher
Kath Cleeve Colourstrings Associate Teacher (Music Kindergarten) ;Certificate of Music Education (Trinity College of Music) ;Counselling Children & Adolescents Diploma (Level 4) [Profile]
Ali Rycroft BA Oxon MA UEL
Holger Aston MA (Oxon), MA (Liszt Academy), ARCM, LRAM [Profile]
Angela Edwards CKME, CSAK, Cert (Mus) Ed
Angela Fogg MA Dip ABRSM LRSM CKME PGDip [Profile]
Alan Murdock MA BMus MusEdCert [Profile]
Kath Cleeve Colourstrings Associate Teacher (Music Kindergarten) ;Certificate of Music Education (Trinity College of Music) ;Counselling Children & Adolescents Diploma (Level 4) [Profile]
KG assistant
Cathy Johnson BA Mus Hons
Beccy Sharp [Profile]
Visiting Teachers
Mr Pal Banda (Cello)
Miss Sarah Bennington (Flute) BMUS Hons (1st class)
Mrs Marianne Dodge (Flute/Theory) Ed Hons (Cantab), Ct ABRSM
Ms Gerri Drought (Violin)
Ms Ruth Herbert (Musicianship)
Miss Lesley Larkum (Violin) Bmus, Mmus, ASCM, PG RCM (cond.)
Ms Bea Leadbetter (Violin/Viola)
Ms Muriel Levin (Piano) BMus ARCM, Founder, Holiday Music Piano/Chamber Music Courses.
Dr Shay Loya (Piano) BA Hons (TAU), MA Hons (TAU), PhD (KCL)
Mrs Rebekka Poffley (KG)
Mr Christopher Poffley (Cello/Piano) Bmus ARCM
Ms Gil Sharp (Violin) GTCL, LTCL (Mus Ed), LTCL, ATCL
Ms Caroline Tait (Violin)
Prof David Vinden (Musicianship/Choir) LRAM, GRSM, Bmus Hons (London), Adv Cert Kodály Inst, ARAM
Miss Maiko Vinden (Assistant)
Ms Ali Warner (KG Teacher) BA Hons CombSocSci, BKA (Inter Mus), CKME